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Python: execute shell commands (and get the output) with the os package

Running shell (e.g. Bash) commands in Python is fairly easy using the os package. In this article, I outline two ways to run shell commands in Python: using the system method and the popen method. This article is part of a two-part series related to running shell commands from within… 

Fix “Source url of disk is missing” when attaching disk to instance in GCP using Python

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I would like to briefly elaborate on an error I ran into, which is due to limited documentation on the Google Cloud Platform API. With this article, I hope to save you the time and effort to find the solution. I’ve been following an infrastructure-as-code approach to deploying GCP resources… 

Event deduplication for Facebook’s Conversions API using server-side GTM

Facebook is betting big on its Conversions API to counter Apple’s privacy game. It leaves one wondering why there documentation is so poor. In this blog post, I describe how you can set up proper event deduplication when using both the Facebook pixel and the Conversion API. 💥 This blog… 

Solve Pandas read_csv: UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte […] in position […] invalid continuation byte

Reading CSVs is always a little bit living on the edge, especially when multiple regions are involved in producing them. In this blog post, we’re solving UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte […] in position […]: invalid continuation byte. Important, I’m assuming you got the error when you used Pandas’…