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Dealing with right-censored data in machine learning: Random Survival Forests

A couple of weeks ago, I started working with survival analysis. It was fairly new to me, so I had to dig into some new methods. There was one method that captured my attention: random survival forests (RSFs). It’s one of many statistical learning techniques designed to work with right-censored… 

When speed matters: going from randomForest to ranger

Random Forest stays my number one go-to algorithm for quickly prototyping prediction algorithms. Last week, I worked on speeding up a feature engineering and training workflow for a marketing project. I moved from the traditional randomForest package to the — already three years old — package ranger. Here are my… 

randomForest gives NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call and how to solve it

Personally, Random Forest is one of my favorite algorithms for supervised learning. It’s quick and dirty and still allows for some interpretation. However, R and the RandomForest package are somewhat cryptic when it comes to requirements not met to properly train the algorithm. I bumped a lot into this error…