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Solving “set_params() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given”

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  • 2 min read

Brief blog post on a silly Python error. I’m still working on my ML project started hypertuning my sklearn pipeline — manually. To set the parameters of my pipeline in every iteration, I had to use set_params. My estimator is called model_pipeline and I needed to set the parameters via… 

Subtracting dates in BigQuery SQL

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  • 2 min read

In this blog post, I elaborate on two specific operations you’ll run into when using dates in BigQuery. Subtracting an interval from a data and calculating the difference between two dates. Subtracting a unit Subtracting a specific amount of days, weeks, months, quarters, or years from a date can be… 

Data completeness via a server-side Mixpanel implementation

The future is server-side. The rise of ad blockers and other privacy extensions hasn’t made product analytics implementation easier. On the other hand, good ol’ Google Analytics has gained quite a lot of competition in recent years from vendors like Heap and Mixpanel. A friend of mine asked my opinion…