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Hoe word ik een data scientist?

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  • 13 min read

True story: een zestal jaar geleden werd me op een jobinterview gevraagd om een regressie-analyse uit te voeren. Ik klooide wat rond met correlaties en conditionele opmaak in Excel en kon de juiste conclusies trekken. De methode die ik gebruikte, daar zou een statisticus echter van huilen. Vandaag stuur ik… 

Fixing Kibana error ‘Error in visualization – Cannot read property of undefined’

Kibana is a great tool, with corporate-level user management, to visualize data from the Elasticsearch stack. Given the highly customizeable user roles, it’s easy to run into errors that appear to be gibberish. Here’s an example: Error in VisualizationCannot read property ‘x’ of undefined It seems to not make a… 

Removing Ï.., I and two dots or umlaut, when using read.csv in R

Here’s something I used to bump in a lot when working with external files that I receive from clients: some gibberish prepended to the first column name of a data frame when using read.csv. However, there’s a good reason why this happens. The first character is a magical character, invisible… 

On the phenomenon of marketing books: why they are all the same

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  • 8 min read

To many, including myself, the amount of hot air that is circulating in marketing books is of unbearable proportion. Buzzword bingo and infinite repetition of the same arguments makes us wonder who reads these books. But more importantly, who writes these books and with what purpose? Marketers write marketing books…