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Ascertainment Bias

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Ascertainment bias is the systematic difference in the identification of individuals in a study, or the data collected. It results in a distortion in measuring the true frequency of a phenomenon in the population. “When the chance of a person being sampled, or feature being observed, depends on some background… 


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Bootstrapping is a very popular resampling method with replacement. It assigns measures of accuracy to sample estimates. Bootstrapping allows the estimation of the sampling distribution of nearly any statistic. “A way of generating confidence intervals and the distribution of test statistics through sampling the observed data rather than through assuming… 

Linear Regression

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What is linear regression? A linear regression is a linear approach to model the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more explanatory variables — the independent variables. We can make a distinction between: Simple linear regression: has one explanatory variable Multiple linear regression: has multiple explanatory variables In…