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Error in .jcall(“RJavaTools”…) when importing large xlsx files in R

Recently I had to read in a folder full of large Excel (.xlsx) files. I did as I usually did and use the xlsx library. However, reading in the largest files produced an error: “Error in .jcall(“RJavaTools”, “Ljava/lang/Object;”, “invokeMethod”, cl, : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” I don’t know what cause… 

Date conversion from Excel to R

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  • 1 min read

It happened too many times before I write this blog post. Oftentimes, when I read Excel (xls or xlsx) files into R, I encounter this strange phenomenon where dates are converted to a 5 number integer. Here is how to fix it. For example, 02/01/2017 (dd/MM/yyyy) would be converted to… 

Met cijfers aan de slag om het succes van Vlaams Belang te verklaren

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  • 6 min read

Als de leden van de partijen akkoord gaan, dan schiet de Vlaamse Regering woensdag uit de blokken. Het inburgeringsbeleid wordt strenger gemaakt: Jambon-I maakt het moeilijk, of quasi-onmogelijk, voor internationale migranten om aanspraak te kunnen doen op een sociale woning, de eerste tien jaar van hun verblijf in Vlaanderen. Daarmee… 

The t-test in R revisited

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  • 6 min read

A two-sample t-test (aka an independent t-test or student’s t-test) is most often used to compare the means of two samples. For example: you might be checking if black cats, on average, have the same body weight as white cats. In this blog post I explain how to do a…