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Replacing multiple values in a pandas DataFrame column

Without going into detail, here’s something I truly hate in R: replacing multiple values. In Python’s pandas, it’s really easy. In this blog post I try several methods: list comprehension, apply(), replace() and map(). First, let’s create some dummy data. First, let’s try with list comprehension. The get() function tries… 

Reading from and writing files to GCP Storage in an AI Platform job

When you’re trying to access a CSV file stored in Google Cloud Storage when submitting a job to AI Platform, your first reflex is probably to use pandas’ read_csv. However, this will produce the following error: ImportError: The gcsfs library is required to handle GCS files That’s because pandas is… 

Solving “inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation” in Visual Studio Code

Out of the blue, when coding Python in Visual Studio Code, you might run into the following error. “inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation” This happens, because somewhere in your code, indentation is different than in the rest of your code. Generally, Python doesn’t care what kind of…