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Machine Learning Life Cycle

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A Machine Learning Life Cycle, (abbreviated ML Life Cycle) is a conceptual framework of the cyclical process that ML projects go through. However, there is no agreement on what its various phases are. Nevertheless, the following elements are popular. In consecutive order: Understand the problem Collect the data Wrangle the… 

Performance Metrics: Accuracy

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What is the Accuracy? The Accuracy is a performance metric that tells you the fraction of the predictions that were correct, without distinguishing between positive and negative predictions. The Accuracy can be a very misleading metric when the data set is unbalanced (when the prevalence is either very high or very… 

Performance Metrics: F1-Score

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What is the F1-Score? The F1-Score has many names: F-Score F-Measure Sørensen’s Similarity Coefficient Sørensen–Dice Coefficient Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) Dice’s Coincidence Index Hellden’s Mean Accuracy Index The F1-Score is a metric to evaluate the performance of a binary classifier. It is calculated as the harmonic mean of the precision…