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Solved: “running scripts is disabled on this system” in PowerShell

Since I intensively started using Visual Studio Code across my devices, with PowerShell as my main terminal, I started running into the following error quite a lot: <file> cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/ What’s happening here, is… 

Solved: “The caller does not have permission” – Using the API with a private Google Spreadsheet

Ahh, user rights. The cause and solution to all of life’s identification problems. In this blog post I explain how you can access (private) google spreadsheets using the Python gspread library. Before you get started: make sure you have administrator rights to the spreadsheets you are trying to work with.… 

When speed matters: going from randomForest to ranger

Random Forest stays my number one go-to algorithm for quickly prototyping prediction algorithms. Last week, I worked on speeding up a feature engineering and training workflow for a marketing project. I moved from the traditional randomForest package to the — already three years old — package ranger. Here are my… 

Pandas’ pivot_table vs. pivot

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  • 4 min read

When you’re an R poweruser, pivoting tables in pandas feels unnecessarily complex. Why are there two pivot functions? Why does it return an index when you wanted a column? Why does it generate multi index columns? Those are the questions I tackle in this blog post. 💥 This blog post… 

Working with NaN’s (nulls/NA’s) in pandas: per column, per row and per group

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  • 2 min read

Getting a firm understanding of NaNs in your dataset ensures you don’t draw wrong conclusions from an incomplete dataset. In this blog post I show how you can list the amount of NaNs per column, per row, and per group. First, let’s create some dummy data, and add some NaNs.… 

Replacing multiple values in a pandas DataFrame column

Without going into detail, here’s something I truly hate in R: replacing multiple values. In Python’s pandas, it’s really easy. In this blog post I try several methods: list comprehension, apply(), replace() and map(). First, let’s create some dummy data. First, let’s try with list comprehension. The get() function tries…